Wednesday, July 9, 2008

[Photos+ Fan Account] Super Junior Fan Meeting in Japan

v WOW look at the blue sea!!
I never knew that super junior has MANY fans in Japan!
And Imagine that they held the event in Budokan!
Its like 10,000 people can occupy the whole area!

No Kibum in the fan meeting because he was filming for his drama:(


credits:FR NEWSEN & sjbluecn + baidu+soompi+justineluvsuju@wordpress


They opened up with the song “Twins”. All of them were there, except for Kibum. Then they sang Miracle (?). After that, they all gathered together and introduced themselves in japanese~

Teuk: While glancing at his hands, he says something like they’ll work their hardest and then showing everyone how he cheated and grinning(?).

Heenim: “今日、ラーメンを食べて、涙が出ました! でも! おいしい! お。い。しい!” (Today, I ate ramen, tears came out! But! It’s Delicious!!)

Yesung: “OGENKI DESUKA?!” (<= He was known for saying it through out the night ; means “how are you?”)

Siwon: *speaks some Japanese then consults the members* “Sakura? Sakura? … Douzo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu. (”Sakura” is probably the most popular japanese word.. Because.. I don’t know XD; Sakura is “Cherry Blossoms” while “Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu” is a way of saying “I am pleased to meet you”)


After singing a few songs, they played a video of SJT while the members got ready. After the vid, the SJT members came out to perform Rokkugo! in red outfits! After that, they talked about the meaning of the “T” in SJT and how it would be “enka” In japan. (Enka=Japanese ballad; could be the equivalent of trot{?})

They were asked about what makes them so cool, and Heechul went “Watashitachi wa SUBARASHII!” (”We are marvelous/awesome/great!”) , and since then it became the favorite word for the night, Hyukjae and Shindong saying “Subarashii” to one another.

KRY perforemed too. Don’t remember much from them, though they did sound good of course.

There were 12 questions prepared, one for each member. Heenim was asked how he’s so pretty, and he says that It’s because of parents his and he doesn’t do much (about taking care of his face, i think.. Like grooming, applying random stuffs, etc.) and Hyukjae protests and says “USO USO USO!” (LIE! LIE! LIE!) Heenim then told the audience that it’s also because he showers everyday and he said it in the Korean pronounciation. “슈워 (Shaweo), 슈워(Shaweo), シャワア! (Shawaa; japanese pronounciation)!” *makes hand motions of holding a shower head* “Mainichi shawaa abiite kudasai! (Take a shower everyday, please!)”

Sungming was now asked about his smile. Hyukjae tickled him from the side of his back.

When Kangin was talking, Yesung was pestering him and then Kangin tried to grab Yesung’s microphone. Yesung then got angry. All of a sudden, everyone started hitting and pestering Yesung, which made him stand up and run away! (LOL)

Hyukjae was asked about when he started dancing, then he did a dance for everyone.

Teuk had everyone do the “Teukie Teukie” dance (derived from Eva’s dance from Full House). . Some Kangteuk can be seen there, too!

Ryeowook was asked on what he thought of Japanese girls, he answered, “…Kawaii(cute)… .. . Kawaii… Kirei desu. (pretty)” YEs, WOok, I’m japanese, Yes, uh-huh, LOL *gets killed*

Kyuhyun was asked about what he wanted to see in Japan, and he aswered, ” Watashi wa.. Fuji-san desu” Which is translated to “I am Mr. Fuji”, LOL Kyu you are TOO CUTE <3>

They then showed a preview for the Japanese release of “Attack on the Pin-up Boys”.

Kibum appeared on a VTR, apologizing in korean, with japanese subs. he aswered some questions about what he wanted to do if he had been able to make it to Japan. He then started speaking in Japanese.

After that Q and A segment, they played games. One was that they had to decorate faces while blindfolded; Sungmin won.(?) (Donghae vs. Sungmin) During the preparations for that game, Yesung went behind the boards where there was a hole in the middle and started making faces ! (Aw CUTE <3)

The next game was eating Mikan (orange). Hanchul were partners, where in Geng used his hands to peel the fruit while under a shirt thing and had to feed Heenim), and KyuTeuk as partners.

Everyone showed gifts they had prepared, and signed them (though Sungmin’s was a necklace, so he couldn’t sign it; he kept saying sorry; he made it himself!♥)

Through some kind of raffle, they gave away the 12 PRECIOUS GIFTS. One lucky girl got to get a picture with the members on the stage (2 members hugged her) and when she had to choose who she liked the most, she picked Donghae.. Though Siwon and the few others were showing signs of saying “PICK ME!” in front of her..

Then as the members were drawing the winning ticket seats for their 12 gifts, Kangin was leading the crowd with some chants (eg. Say Leeteuk! Say Hey ho! Say heechul!). Then came Ryeowook’s turn to pull out a ticket for who will receive his PRECIOUS gift, he then shouted “ITADAKIMASU!” (OMG LOL, why are magnaes so CUUUUTE akjhasgdgad HAHA, “Itadakimasu” is actually said before eating meals.. I guess you could translate it as .. “Thank you for the food”, or “I’ll eat now”)

Then we celebrated both Teuk and Heenim’s birthdays with a cake. All of us sang Happy Birthday” in korean. Both of them had strawberries in their mouths (my fave!) , and they moved to face each other like they were going to touch each other’s strawberries (?), then the surrounding members pushed their head together so it looked like they kissed! 특철 FTW! ~

Heechul talked about his handsome-ness randomly, he said, “Boku wa ippai kakoii” (”I am congested/full of handsome”). LOL I love the words they use XD

Sungmin then said at one point, In Japanese, “I think about you (the fans) everyday. So please think about me everyday.” :D

Kangin kept saying “Sou, Sou” when people spoke (Can be “yes” in english). Hyukjae repeatedly says “Uso, Uso! Subarashii” (LOL), next to “oishi( yummy)” , there’s also “arigato gozaimasu” (thank you).

Then they ended with “U”, korean version.

At the very end, all of us fans who had Pearl Sapphire Balloons, which were giveng uopn entry, let it go, and they thanked us.

*Original fan account from [HERE], you must be a member to view it.
