Saturday, July 26, 2008


I love hyuksu very very much^^
I just love their bond and their friendship.

Reporter: First, please introduce yourselves.

Hyuksu: Hello. We are LeeHyukjae, year 1 class 11, and KimJunsu, year one class 12.
Reporter: What is charismatic about a career in singing? Since when did you guys feel interested in it?

Hyukjae: I like being in front of people, and being a singer allows you to show off yourself. I felt interested starting my third year of elementary school.

Junsu: I like making people smile with our music. I wanted to try it once because singing and dancing on stage is so charismatic. Since fifth grade and until my third year (of middle school), i had a dream to become a baseball/soccer player. . .

Reporter: Since when did you start preparing?

Hyukjae: I started in sixth grade, but I really kept up my dream of becoming a singer when I joined SM my second year of middle school. For Junsu, first year of middle school?

Reporter: The hardest thing and sacrifices you made while training?

Hyukjae: The hard thing is that it's so tiring. If my head touches anything, I just fall right asleep.

Junsu: (cute^^) I want to study but I don't have time so something of a loss is that I can't study ~

Hyukjae: Sometimes I cry becuase I want to study;;

Junsu: I'm jealous of you all who study~ (reporters laugh)

Reporter: Is there anyone else other than you two in your group? Is there a set group?

Hyukjae: There's one "hyung". He's a year older, but he's good-looking and sings well and is nice. But the others, I can't really tell. . . I *think* this is when they were still in process of making the 3-member r&b group? I'm not too sure. Seems like it though; the timeline & all. The person who found this suggested that the guy in Sungmin, but I don't think so since Sungmin is the same age?

Reporter: Tell me one episode that happened during practice.

Hyukjae: I saw a "gwi-sheen" once. While dancing, I was making a turn. I was watching near Junsu, and behind Junsu, there was a person standing there. But when I saw again, there was no on there. . ., I'm scared. TT TT

Reporter: Introduce us to a song you sing best. . .

Junsu: I don't know about best-singing but my favorite songs are kangta songs. . .

Hyukjae: A song I sing well is She's GOne~ (^^;;) Song I like is Park Hyo Shin's "pianist." (Due to Hyuksu's excuse of having caught a cold, we did not get to hear their singing TT_TT)

Reporter: About when will your album come out?

Junsu: This is really a secret~ sorrie TT TT

Reporter: Since when did you two know each other? How did you guys get close?

Junsu: We have lots to say about this one. Fifth grade, there was a boy who couldn't even play soccer but everyday, tagged along. He always wore a red cotton t-shirt and enjoyed wearing capris~ When I saw him then, his first impression was wierd and I felt awkward~ Of course the reason why we became close was because we shared the same dream.

Hyukjae: I too first saw him in fifth grade. (Junsu falls over on the bench ;;)

cr to Yufei,