Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Who wouldn't be proud of this guys?!?
This is a good, scratch that, GREAT COMEBACK FOR DBSK IN KOREA!
And a Korean Version Of Kiss Shita Mama Sayonara?!?
this is such a great year for them!.I bet that at the end of the year they will receive most of the awards regarding in the music industry.^^
I can't wait to hear the korean version of it^^


AFTER 2 years from "O" album, TVXQ are going to release their 4th ablum! yesterday , the first day for the pre-order already break a record!!!
from SM ENTERTAINMENT , stated that the pre-order is already 200000!!

TVXQ have their record of 10,000 when their 1st album, for Rising Sun they get 130000( counted only PRE-ORDER ) and the 3rd album "O" which open for pre-order within 2 days already reach 100000(this amount also counted pre-order for 2 days). Now the 4th album, TVXQ did not release their album in korea for 1 year which they concentrate in Japan ,they even don't have any formal performance during last year, this makes the public think that the 4th album will not get a high numbers of CD order compare with the past, BUT !!!!! now its show TVXQ ARE A TOP GROUP NOT ONLY IN KOREA BUT ASIA !!!!!!!!!

2008, expected TVXQ will get a few awards at the end of this year!!
Last year GOLDEN DISC awards record was 150000 ,but this year TVXQ HAVE A RECORD FOR ONLY PRE-ORDER ALREADY EASILY GET 200000!!!! WE EXPECTED THAT , WHEN THE 4TH ALBUM ON SALE THE NUMBER OF SELLING MIGHT REACH 500,000, this will compete with a senior -tai zhi.

TVXQ are really tallent ,they compose songs to fans ,and get No1 in Orican Chart in Japan . the Korean version of 'kiss mini coopera mama sayonara' (they're going to have kiss in K-version!!!) will be include in the 4th album.

credit: baidu + as tagged
translation : angelynatvxq@syg dbsk