Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fan Accounts of People experiencing DBSK


This are so so so so so lucky!. i hope to see them also!
i really envy them!. just reading their fan accounts makes me happy for them at the same time sad because i want to see them also,LIVE!.

"When they first pulled up they were in cars and YooMin was in one, while the other was JaeHoSu....and they seemed to just want to sit there for while in the cars while their managers and staff signed them into the hotel. After they had signed in, they came out and walked fast with their heads bowed to the elevator and "disappeared" in some ways.
She said this about the individual boys,
Changmin: Very tall and incredibly skinny, yet not as skinny as Yoochun and Junsu. VERY attractive in real life, yet seems really shy...he smiled to the fans.
Yunho: DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!! She couldn't stop talking about him, saying how incredibly handsome he was. He was also really nice to the fans, smiling and waving a little bit before going to the elevator.
Jaejoong: Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and perfect in every sense of the word. He is very big in the upper body, his arms were really big and sexy...but he did not seem to communicate with the fans in passing.
She didn't say much about Yoochun and Junsu though, so I am sorry for that...but she mentioned how after they went up the elevator, a little while later Yunho appeared again and just seemed to be taking a leisurly stroll through the lobby. A fan stopped him and gave him a gift. She said he repeated everything the gift giving fan had said since his english was really sparce.

It was funny, after she had said all this to me, I kept saying with her, "OMG, they are really...real....omg they are real...not holograms..." LOL!"

CREDITS: lemurturle@soompi
"OMG! i went to the airport to see dbsk! we were all excited and sm entertainment interviewed us a bit and asked we're we all came from (like half of us were from texas ^ o^) then they told us that dbsk was coming out this exit, but some flight attendent i guess didn't know who they were and told us they were coming from the opposite exit. no one knew what to do then one of the s in our group saw yoochuns shirt and bolted from the exit, after that like every fangirl in there ran to see dbsk. when i got there i was like 2 feet from yunho and micky then some in front of me left so i was like INCHES away from dbsk! i was trying to get changmin's attention but he seemed really shy. micky kept looking around and smiling. jaejoong was just sitting there texting, he didn't look up at the fans though. junsu was talking to suju and yunho was looking at the fans and stuff. when they left, i was still trying to get to changmin but i only got like a foot away (he was GORGEOUS by the way) and yunho bumped into my shoulder on the way out XDDDD!!!!!
when they got in their cars alot of the s were trying to grab at them which sucked. then yunho rolled down the window and waved to us and s freaked out."