Sunday, August 3, 2008

[Translations] 073108 Achi FM Broadcast- DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki

here's the translation of the A-Nation Talk.
I still can't find the audio of it but there's a picture of them doing this broadcast.
Which i can't find also!. damn it.

Anyway, you have to read these transaltions!
typical of CM to go to the wedding and cause havoc!...LOL!

And jae was not at himself that time. i wonder why??

All credits go to ZYRYC@yunhosshi~ for this translation!


two stars said...

ah~ that talk about jaejoong daydreaming and everything...and the rumor about his past...
made me feel extremely sad for some reason. i felt really bad for him, imagining that he had an experience and talking about it through an interveiw.

made me all teary T_T

two stars said...

oh, and thanks for the welcome rai! i'm michelle, sorry i just saw your comment now ^^