Saturday, April 4, 2009

[TRANS] T Special Edition (Commentary Audio Track)- DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki

here's the translation for part 1-3
you can watch the video here: CLICK

Part 1
-Sekine-san being fanboyish and saying kakkoii at everything
-Yunho getting excited as he points out his hand on screen. And Sekine-san still thinks its cool.
-JS says watching it was nerve wracking because they were watching it from backstage (he stutters here) and getting ready to perform
-CM/YC can't resist and laugh at/mimic his 'back...stage' where he stutters
-Next is CM. JJ says he looked really handsome in the pic (heavy emphasis on the past tense)
-JS/YC chime in emphasizing that he was good looking AT THAT TIME.
-CM retorts and says not to say things like 'at that time'.
JS : Now Changmin is...
YC: Comparing him now and then...
JJ: It's only been a year but he changed so much.
CM: But I'm exactly the same as I was last year.
JS: Changmin, you have to start changing.
Cue explosive laughter. And it's only 1:39.

JJ is next.
CM: He looks cool.
YC: JJ seems to have changed.
JJ: It's the hair.
CM: He's totally different. Totally changed. That's not Jaejoong!
JS: You're trying to say he looks better now?
CM: He hasn't seemed to improve now either.
YH: Ohh. sexy.
Sekine: The wind was blowing just right.

JJ: It's time? What time?
They get excitable when JS pops up.
CM: Profile(side view)!
YC: The editors can just cut this part out. They forgot.
YH: Just to mention, this shot here was filmed the same night JS slipped.
JS: If no one knows about it you don't have to mention it. ^^

YC: What were you saying then?
YH: Junsu. Charisma.
JS: I wasn't saying anything, I just posed/acted.

Sekine - Oh, Yunho.
JS: Tohoshinki's boss.
S: Boss right? Leader.
JJ: Oh, beard!
YH: Actually peeling it off was really painful
JS: Oh this is actually the first time we're seeing this. Cos when they play this part we're usually on stage, the 2nd level. We haven't seen this part.

JJ: That's a cool car.
YH: The interior of the car was actually much smaller than expected.
CM: It was uncomfortable.
JS: This was the last scene to be filmed

3:33 excitement ensures

They talk about TRICK. Each member appears one-by-one, so while the first member comes out, the other 4 are just computer effects and so on. YH comments on how cool it is.

YC: The other 4 members are watching it like they're seeing some other idol.
YH: They have such naive/innocent expressions on their face.
JS: Oh! It's Yunho-san! XD *acting as a fanboy*

JS comse out.

Oh! He's handsome etc.
S: He had gold hair at that time.
JS: Ah, I just remembered.

Talk about how its different to be performing and watching it as a performance.

Random exclamations and laughter about them taking of their glasses.

YH: Even though that's us, I can't help but think we're so cool!
JJ: When I took off the sunglasses, the lights were always really blinding. My eyes really hurt.
S: Everyone's lost weight.

Choosey Lover
S: This outfit is really great. You can see everyone's muscles, how developed your chest is, since its so fitting.
YH: This outfit was really hot.
S: Oh really?

JS (randomly): Oh, at that time I was really blonde.
S: Yes, you were.
JS: I didn't realise my hair color was so eye catching.
S: Yoochun dyed his hair blonde too right? At the ends?
YH: At that time my hair was really long.

JS: At that time Yoochun dyed his hair gold too right? Actually, after I dyed my hair, there was a bit left, so I gave it to him. (laughs by himself cos everyone ignores him)
YH: The first MC part.
YC: ahh.. Junsu... XD
YH: This is the first time we had a live band for the whole concert.
JJ: It was really fun.
CM: *imitates YH* Minna genki?
JJ: Your hair is really long!
S: Yeah it is.
YC: *mocks CM* At the end, there's a bit of me too saying 'minna ok?"
JJ: I was really excited at the con.
JS: It's coming, it's coming. (YC's part)
JJ: 'minna ok' is coming.
YC: Ahhh. I'm so embarassed.
lots of laughter.
CM: Lets do it this year too.
JS: IF we do minna okay this year, it'll definitely be popular.

S: Black suits are cool, aren't they?
YH: It gives THSK a mature feeling.
JJ: Ya.. CM is handsome.
Everyone fanboys CM.
CM: Looks like I still have to wear some makeup.. (to look good)
JS: He looks like a model!
CM: Not really.
YC: *fanboys JS*

YH: What's up at this part?
JS: Wasn't this song recently chosen to be put on the charts? 1, 2.
S: Oh, right, right.

Part 2
YC: CM's not saying much is he.
CM: No, no, no.
YH: This isn't a movie. It's a commentary, so say something.
CM: If you talk during a movie, it loses it's charm...
S: CM's sexy.

JJ: Cos we were using mic stands there was a lot of pressure.
YH: And there were a few mistakes too.
CM: Yunho's mistake.
YH: What about CM?
CM: I didn't make any.
YH: Oh so that's how it is. What are you guys laughing at? XD
JJ: Even though everyone can't see it, he's hitting CM right now.

Darkness Eyes
JS: Oh, once I hear this song, I'm in a good mood.
S: Really?
JS: The lighting and the smoke effects were really good.
YH: This time the way we performed (inside the funny structure) was very cool.
S: Everyone has to go inside? What was the concept of this design? Similar to trapped animals?
JJ: You mean when we were inside?
JS: Sam was the one who designed it.
S: Oh, Sam is incredible. This design is cool!
JJ: Even though we don't really know its concept/meaning, but it's still cool right? XD
S: It has a kind of 'peekaboo' effect
YH: It's quite fitting to the song's meaning.
S: It's full of imagination.
YH: To be honest, the lighting on this song is great.
S: A bit of a fantastical/magical feeling.

S: But the stage is a bit high isn't it?
YH: In the beginning it was really scary
JS: during rehearsals we were really nervous. But by the time we got to Saitama, we were mostly used to it so it was okay.
CM: Honestly, even at Saitama i wasn't used to it.
YH: Ah. CM was scared!
JS: He was shaking. He doesn't get used to new things easily. We all know it. So it's okay. You worked hard. Eukyangkyang. XD Yoochun has phobia of heights so
YC: Dancing at such a high altitude, and the elevated platform kept shaking
S: It was shaking wasn't it? But everyone worked hard. The lights ar really nice.
JJ: Purple line.
YC: oh, the white lights?

Purple Line
They praise the band.

YC: ah. This dance.
JJ: It's really great with the live band. Want to do it again.
S: For the choreography, the formations keep changing right?
JS: Yeah.
S: Ah. It's changed already. Ah Yunho. Ah Junsu. It's always continually switching around. IT's amazing. REally cool.
JJ: If we get it wrong, it'll be real trouble. Because there are 4 people in the background foundation if 1 person is wrong
S: It's trouble
YH: And this song is really intense.S: It's changed again.

JJ: Honestly its the first time we've seen this DVD so we don't know what to say, we're all dazed.
S: Everyone's too absorbed in watching right. when you stand on stage you can't see yourselves like this, so everyone's watching the DVD with the feeling of 'oh, so this is how it is', right?
JJ: It's like experiencing it all over again
S: THSK can sing really well. (JS laughs) Really amazing.
JS: Excuse me.
CM: we're embarassed.
S: No, your dancing is amazing too.
JJ: It suddenly became good.
S: It's cool!
JS: No, no, no.
S: In this suit and jacket, THSK also looks very cool.
THSK: Thank you.
JJ: Oh, Changmin. This is CM's image. A screaming CM
CM: Thank you.
JS: The camera angles are also great.
S: Amazing isn't it
JS: Camera-san thank you.
YC: Camera-san. Ahahahah.
JJ: The fans are like a sea of red.
YH: Oh, Day moon. Harudal.
CM : JS.
YH: CM say something!
CM: I am saying something.
JJ: When we were playing this video we were backstage-
S: changing right?
JJ: Changing as quickly as we could.
YH: In order to be able to perform once the video was over, we really worked hard.
JJ: Cos JS was the first to come out, it must have been hard on him.
JS: I was the first to come out
CM: He's a hero.
S: In this shot, JS behind the glass
YC: Is really handsome.
CM: Is he hungry?
YH: YC, at that time, did you eat the bread?
YC: Just a bit.
S: Looks tasty.
YC: It was really hard. My teeth hurt after that.
JS: Looks like its part of a movie.
YC: At that point I was supposed to eat an apple but because it was raining I didn't know what to do. So the director said so eat bread!
JJ: Why are you randomly eating bread there?
YC: It was the director!
CM: As I thought, you were hungry.
S: at this part the audience is going 'kyaaaa'. His morning look.
JS: The room is nice.
JJ: The director didn't really give me any specific instructions.
S: The whole audience is screaming now. S talks about the audience screaming then compliments JJ's muscles/triceps. Everyone gets excited and laughs.
JS: What were you thinking?
Ohh.. CM!
S: CM got to film with a girl right?
JS: A sad scene.
S: Being dumped was written in the script right?
YH: Cm looks like he's saying 'what's wrong?"
JS: Looks like she pushed him lightly.
YC: Isn't that a little too light?
CM: Actually I was supposed to be hit/slapped.
S: Oh really?
JJ: It's still raining.
JS: And now...CM looks so pitiful
JJ: Aww. CM.
CM: That's.
JS: When it was showing YH, we were all ready already.
S: Oh at this part?
JS: Yes.
S: That was quite quick.
JS: Yeah. I was always watching YH's part.
S: Ohh, cos you were prepared already

YC/CM talk about the dog breed.
YH: It was cute.

Part 3
YH: Then we appeared one-by-one. This was actually a KR song.
JS: we already released it in KR.
YH: But we made a JP version and the response was quite good.
JS: Taiyo-city. (Sun City)
[YC is laughing like a hyena in the background]
YH: Air. Air city.
CM: Do it properly!
S: Oh, really.
CM: What are you doing
JS: Sennen koi uta was a song for a drama as well right?
YH: Yeah
JJ: The JS in the recording and the JS in real life is so different.
YC: Totally different.

CM: When we sing this song with a live band, the feeling's really great.
JJ: The angles that Sam choreographed/positioned us in are really great. The whole effect is incredible.
S: Sam made an appearance?
YC: Right at the end...
CM: Why is your voice becoming weaker?
JS: Oh, the sun is setting.
S: Oh, to give a well-rounded feeling.. there's both the sun rise and sun set. That's nice.
JS/YH: Oh and the moon is rising
S: Oh at this time all 5 of you are gathering.
YH: Oh JJ! You look like a model.

S: Jaejoong's shirt is a bit open, isn't it. His chest is really sexy. It's opened a little widely.
JJ: Oooh. *embarrassed sound*
S: CM's suit is cool too.
YC: We still kept that necklace.
CM: Necklace?
YC: I still have it now.

Forever Love
YH: Forever love. This song is ...
S: Amazing.
YH: It's pretty good.
CM: It's great.
YH: When we sing this song, the ambiance is particularly good. The audience is attentively listening.
S: When Junsu sings he really is very charismatic.
JS: this year, that's the image I'm working on.
S: *laughs* That's what you say every year.
JS: Changmin is always being thrown away/abandoned.
CM: Abandoned? What do you mean by that XD
S: At this point... the eye contact is very
YH: When we sing this, Yoochun who's in the middle is a bit...
YC: Since I'm standing a bit at the back right between the two of them
JJ: When we have programmes...
YC: Changmin... Ah no, when Jaejoong and Junsu sing this part, the audience is just staring straight at me.
CM: YC is being observed!
(Lots of excited random shouting I can't make out)

YH: THis video is really interesting.
S: Oh it's interesting!
YH: JS...
(Laughter and excitement)
S: The audience is really pumped aren't they for this tour?
YH: Tap dancing (stomping), this was the first time we challenged it on a tour.
YH: JS is saying no, that's not it, look at me. Ohh. He's cool right.
(Laughter once again)
YC: JJ got it wrong.
JJ: Shhh! (Cutely) Sorry!
S: This part is pretty good huh.
JJ: Sam's choreography is really cool (yabai - slang for cool)
S: It's good isnt it.

JS: Oh Clap!
JJ: The scene is like a red rush of wind. (talking about the lights on the funny contraption)
S: It's pretty!
JJ: When we put in a red ball, it turns red When we put in a blue ball, it turns blue.

Ride On
JJ: Oh, the time I dropped my mike was during this song.
JS: Personally I really like the dance for this song.
YH: It's a very sexy dance.
JJ: Doing this song live was very challenging, wasn't it?
YH: The black people dances are the most tiring. (XD He literally said this. Don't think its a racial slur, more like he didn't know how to say it the correct diplomatic way)
JJ: Yeah, on the body.
S: a lot of the dance parts are very intense.
YC: It has a club dance kind of feel.
JS: It's the rhythm. And the melody.
JJ: For this song I totally couldn't remember the dance.
S: Ohhh.
CM/YH: I forgot it too...
S: Oh really?
JS: Oh it's true! (only just realising it when he watched the concert)
JJ: Totally couldn't remember.
JS: It's true, you totally couldn't remember. But there were just too many things to memorise.

Asu wa kuru Kara
JJ: In this song, JS is really very handsome, isn't he?
JS: Yes he is, towards the end right?
JJ: The emotion is palpable.
YH: Oh this is the song that Sekine-san especially likes right?
S: Yes it is.
JS: Oooh. really?
S: Yeah.
JS: These lyrics give people hope.
S: Yeah, they're written well. And the melody is good too.
YH: Sekine-san sang this during a Karaoke session too.
S: Yes, I sang it.
JS: In this quiet atmosphere, singing this song.
S: The feeling of the 5 of you gathered and looking at each other is good right?
JS: As we are together...(Singing)
Y: Somehow, after listening to Asu wa Kuru Kara, JS gives the audience the deepest impression.
S: Harukana, that part right?
JS giggles embarassedly.
JS: At that point our Japanese was not very good...
S: When you were recording?
JS :Yes
JS: So when we sang it, although we knew-
S: You didn't know the lyrics right?
JS: We did, but even though we knew the meaning, we still (YH cuts in) couldn't get the feeling, the emotions expressed properly. (JS kind of rambles on after that but doesn't make much sense. XD Just saying stuff like 'after singing... somehow...)
JS: But now we get the deeper meanings
S: BEcause you've gotten better at JP you can express the feelings better right ?
JS: (rambles uncertainly - we could do a good live.) I really like the part "tomorrow will definitely come".
YH: Sekine-san, it's 'harukana' now.
S: Junsu's rising up isn't he. And singing so passionately.
CM: He's handsome.
S: When I'm at K-Ok during this part I always imitate Junsu.
JJ: In rehearsals Junsu always changes 'haru kana' to hanagika (nose ring)
JS: Only in rehearsals, to create a funny atmosphere. Because the workers and band are all tired.

credit translation: candy_swirlz@LJ
Shared by: sweetfig@blogspot

Will add the rest once it up~