Monday, April 13, 2009

[News] A-Nation 2009 Performers and Schedule- DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki

If you've noticed that in their schedule their isn't any August 15,
it is because, according to the website and the cap above , Tohoshinki will not be performing on the said date.

8월 1일 구마모토현 농업공원 (컨트리파크)
August 1- Kumamoto Agricultural Park
8월 8일 에히메현 종합운동공원·닌지니아스타디움 (육상경기장)
August 8- EHIME General Sports Stadium
8월 22,23일 도쿄 아지노모토스타디움
August 22&23- Ajinomoto Stadium in Tokyo
8월 29,30일 오사카 나가이육상경기장 (나가이스타디움)
August 29&30- NAGAI Stadium in OSAKA

Korean Trans: 분홍음표@dnbn (pink notes)
Eng Trans: sweetfig@sweetfigblogspot