Heaven’s Postman, to be produced by Sam Hwa Productions is the first out of ten works of this telecinema in Japan. All ten films will be introduced to both countries. A total of ₩ 8,000,000,000 of the production (around 40% or more) will be invested from Japan.
In Heaven’s Postman Jaejoong’s role, “Shin Jaejoon” is in a vegetative state, but his spirit is drifting. Only Han Hyo Joo’s character, “Hana Jo” can see this ghost of Jaejoon.
The drama’s script is the preparation by “Long Vacation” Japanese popular film writer, Kitagawa Eriko. PD Director was to be “Sorry I Love You” and “Let’s go to School” director Lee Hyun Min.
The second project by KBS drama is “Oh! Pil-seung, Bong Soon-Young” (Oh! Feel Young) directed by Ji Yeong-soo starring Ahn Jae Wook is being prepared.
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