DBSK ranked number one with their 25th Single, ‘Bolero/Kiss The Baby Sky/Wasurenaide’ which was released in Japan on the 21st. (TODAY).
Excluding their solo single albums, this is their fifth time that they have ranked in number one. DBSK ranked number one of not only daily but weekly chart with their fourth single ‘MIROTIC’ released 15th of October. In January ‘Purple Line’ ranked number one, April ‘Beautiful You/Sennen Koi Uta’ and July with ‘Doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattandarou?’ and stood on top of the ORICON charts.
However from February 20th to February 22nd, for three days in a row, ‘TVXQ The 3rd Asia TOUR CONCERT - MIROTIC’ will take place in Seoul Olympic park.
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